- I've managed to get into UNIVERSITY!
- I've got my FIRST high school diploma, western style of course :)
- I've made so many multi-racial friends that I have beaten the 3 main race friends, no more 3 bangsa eh?
- I've discovered that I have no idea who the person I am inside but some still remain calm about it
- I've realized why I call certain people friends and others acquaintances instead
- I've discovered that somewhere in my O.C.D is a very messy person among the chaos
- I've gotten my first DSLR.. be envious LOL
- I've gotten my first MacBook Pro
- I've gotten my first roomie, surprisingly survived that encounter :D
- I've gotten my first giant soft toy elephant, Ellie
- I've experienced my first winter
- I've touched REAL snow for the first time
- I've learned that sometimes guys can be a better shopper than you, glenn & yang :)
- I've realized that some people were never meant to be understood but just to be loved
- I've moved away from home for the first time and it didn't really suck that bad
- I've sat the tallest, craziest, scariest, steepest roller coaster and survived to tell the tale
- I've now know that I like reading people's tumblr but I will never get one
- finally, i've learned that being 18 means I CAN DRIVE AND DRINK BITCHES... :D
Monday, August 16
one of the first
Thursday, July 15
revelations come everyday
So far plans have been made and can't wait to meet up with the "we sit in one row of 7 behind the class and never pay attention" group.. miss them like crazy as they never fail to make me crack up. Tomorrow is a scheduled day out with adel till night while waiting for the roomie to come from penang.. :) and then on sunday it's off to SINGAPORE to visit my tree/whale, biatch, glenn with phiiiiii-ooooo-naaaa and roomie :D super awesome so far..
wonder what else will be in store for me?
till then
Tuesday, June 15
to being idiotic and FTW
Sunday, June 13
17, maybe a little bit longer, maybe 18

Thursday, May 27
10 more days.. and 5 more hours
Saturday, May 22
somethings just happen, and it fucking sucks
Friday, May 14
strawberries & creme with a hint of expresso brownie
Sunday, May 9
do you have a heart? i think i do...
He looked at her with those piercing grey eyes, reading every slight movement that her lovely face made. It hurt her so bad to look at his face and the thought that they would never see each other again, tore her soul into a million pieces. She never knew of a love so strong that could transform her life to what it was now and he; a person so magical that he could not live without. “Maybe two is better than one?” It was fate that brought them together yet it was cruelly tearing them apart. Should they give up or keep on chasing their love? Living with Alzheimer’s was driving the final nail into the door and they knew it. He forgot her everyday but she always woke up early to remind him of his wife. The diary, the scrapbook – their life all placed in a simple way so he could remember, if not their life together would have been lost to the grey fuzzy areas of his complex mind. It was tedious but she religiously did it everyday just so that she could have him back even if it was just for a second, that one second meant the world to her and she knew, to him too. Maybe. She had cried all the tears that she could have possibly cried yet she knew better than to let herself fall into the big, black hole of helplessness that would continue to grow bigger and bigger and harder and harder to get out from. He would have never wanted that for her and neither did she. “Just come back to me” . She wondered whether He was testing her or it was just her punishment, either way she took it with ease. Nothing came simple: not even their love. She sat silently by their queen-sized bed while he slowly flipped the pages of the delicate book. Something in his eyes began to light up and a small smile grew at the corners of his mouth. He remembers she sighed with relief. He then reached out and gently spread his fingers to touch her delicate pale face. The warmth she instantly felt brought tears to her eyes and he gave a wider smile. His eyes said I love you. She mouthed it back to him and they embraced with glistening tears trickling down her cheeks. Everyday was like this, exactly. She knew that. She accepted it. She loved him. It would never change. Never.
Tuesday, April 20
someday, when my life has passed me by...
- Y-O-U (yes i know who you are and i know you can't wait too! *girly squeals*
- some sunnny sun.. i'm turning sickly yellow. ugh
- most of all i just want to be home. yes home.
Friday, April 9
it's to the point where things are out of hand
Sunday, March 21
it's hoops, balls and st. patricks
Wednesday, March 17
it's weird when you fall and everyone doesn't
Sunday, February 28
snowballs and snow angels with a whole lot of english wrapped into it

Saturday, February 6
18 but not any older
somethings are just funnier through the eyes of others
great essaaaaaay! :D :D seriously. I dunno what to comment and stuff. Haha. Hi Aveline. You are beside me now. Eh cool. Aveline is correct in dictionary. Let me try Fiona. Eh it’s correct too! Mark. Yi yang. Wayne. Mable. Jimmy. Sze ying. Aww man.
The water shortage today sucks. Seriously. Wayne doesn’t wash his hands after he pees. Yuck. Sze ying is talking. Shut up wayne. Today sucks. Seriously. Eh. Hi Aveline. If you’re reading this, which you should. Since it’s your essay. Hahaha
Post this in your blog kay. Joking. Don’t.
Wayne sucks. He is disgusting. Mark is behind me. He’s doing his work. Jimmy is asking yi yang something. Yi yang is getting annoyed. Hahaha.
Chris’s laptop is super tiny. And cute. Like a camera. He watches porn from it. How he sees? I will never know.
Owen is smart. Already a mathematician. So sad back in china, they put him under nursing cause his scores weren’t high enough. Wow... So he had to come to bronte. He’s like Einstein here.
Eh second page. I think Aveline will get annoyed by this. Maybe I’ll go on for ten more pages.
We had our presentation today. I did the art painting thing. The gory one. Teacher likes it!!! ……..i think she only like the eyes.
Haih. I am so sad for my stupid math quiz. How can I blank out at the simplest question? Looks like im getting 50 something….or low sixties. There goes my average. Bloooooody heeeeeell.
See I told you that today will be a bad day. You had a bad day, (forgot Daniel powter’s lyrics)
Mark looks serious. He always look pissed off but he said he’s not.
He just flicked my hair. I hate it when people flick my hair. I think he’s reading this. Shut up mark. Look away.
Cars are awesome. Like lamborghini. And Porsche. And Ferrari. Waaaaaah. If it was either a house or a car, I would choose a car. I would love to sleep in the nice leather seat of the back of my Porsche. And when I want to pee, I’ll just go to yi yang’s house. He better have a gold toilet. Who wouldn’t invest in a gold toilet????
ps: this is fiona ;)
Monday, January 18
the pictures to the words

Saturday, January 16
it's the weirdest thing you've ever seen
Monday, January 11
first impressions are never the funniest
1. Sze Ying : room mate from penang Jit Sing high school, NEAT FREAK and sucker/loser for all
things PINK and CUTE. Oh and did I tell you she hits me? *cringes*
2. Fiona : FIFI!! sounds like a dog right? Don't be decieve by her 'innocent' looks cause she's
secretly horny and morbid/sadistic *which ever one that sounds less evil la*
3. Mabel : One part of the Geniuses in class from S'pore. Her laugh is so cute and she loves eating
like me!
4. Yi Yang : Second part of the Geniuses, also from S'pore *rolls eyes* His english will blow your
brains out. Seriously
6. Wayne : The 'friend' you all know of but trust me he's weird. like weird. He practically sits
behind us when we're using our laptops and stalk you.. Just starring at you Facebook
or Twitter. ==
7. Jimmy : My first Nigerian FRIEND! He's so funny! Practically the joke of the class. And with
his super BLING watches. lol
8.William : China friend. Can't say much cause this is public but I will say this *I know something
you dont know* lol
that's it I guess. The pictures that come with the names will be up soon as ALL of us have time to be not so tired =)