great essaaaaaay! :D :D seriously. I dunno what to comment and stuff. Haha. Hi Aveline. You are beside me now. Eh cool. Aveline is correct in dictionary. Let me try Fiona. Eh it’s correct too! Mark. Yi yang. Wayne. Mable. Jimmy. Sze ying. Aww man.
The water shortage today sucks. Seriously. Wayne doesn’t wash his hands after he pees. Yuck. Sze ying is talking. Shut up wayne. Today sucks. Seriously. Eh. Hi Aveline. If you’re reading this, which you should. Since it’s your essay. Hahaha
Post this in your blog kay. Joking. Don’t.
Wayne sucks. He is disgusting. Mark is behind me. He’s doing his work. Jimmy is asking yi yang something. Yi yang is getting annoyed. Hahaha.
Chris’s laptop is super tiny. And cute. Like a camera. He watches porn from it. How he sees? I will never know.
Owen is smart. Already a mathematician. So sad back in china, they put him under nursing cause his scores weren’t high enough. Wow... So he had to come to bronte. He’s like Einstein here.
Eh second page. I think Aveline will get annoyed by this. Maybe I’ll go on for ten more pages.
We had our presentation today. I did the art painting thing. The gory one. Teacher likes it!!! ……..i think she only like the eyes.
Haih. I am so sad for my stupid math quiz. How can I blank out at the simplest question? Looks like im getting 50 something….or low sixties. There goes my average. Bloooooody heeeeeell.
See I told you that today will be a bad day. You had a bad day, (forgot Daniel powter’s lyrics)
Mark looks serious. He always look pissed off but he said he’s not.
He just flicked my hair. I hate it when people flick my hair. I think he’s reading this. Shut up mark. Look away.
Cars are awesome. Like lamborghini. And Porsche. And Ferrari. Waaaaaah. If it was either a house or a car, I would choose a car. I would love to sleep in the nice leather seat of the back of my Porsche. And when I want to pee, I’ll just go to yi yang’s house. He better have a gold toilet. Who wouldn’t invest in a gold toilet????
ps: this is fiona ;)