Thursday night, during english some funny rap song was playing through the speakers, technically it was going " Head, shoulders, knees and toes" in a very rap way.. lol
So the whole gang decided to go watch it, with the hopes that it would be good and entertaining.
Guess what? MAJOR LET DOWN!
The first half of the show was the school band playing multiple songs, not very good. Damansara's so much better! =) But there was a saxophonist the was the SHIZZ! He's so sexy playing the saxophone and he's so good.
So the next part after the intermission the solo singers and dancers and bands were up.
One word : ZOMG
Act 1. Brazilian dance = Stripper, erotic dance/ the girls was practically having sex on the wooden floor.
Act 2. Beyonce copy cat, she did "Single Ladies" the exact steps.. not bad but her dress was falling down and we all could see her striped bra. =P
after that it just went down,down,down.... until a band came out and the drummer was cute. I told Mabel that he was cute but she didn't listen until he started singing in Japanese.. lol and then the laughing FITS started and never ended until 11. We had to bathe.
So far that is that for this week, OODLES