Monday, August 16

one of the first

So I know not much postings have been going on or should I say up.. but heck I've actually been busy.. Not as busy as those I know going to COLLEGE.. but you know MAID-BUSY, that kind of busy :) Since the hols back home in sunny malaysia is ending I decided I shall do a post on the many firsts that I have managed to do since leaving for Canada sis months ago and coming back home 3 weeks ago..

Of the first is:

  1. I've managed to get into UNIVERSITY!
  2. I've got my FIRST high school diploma, western style of course :)
  3. I've made so many multi-racial friends that I have beaten the 3 main race friends, no more 3 bangsa eh?
  4. I've discovered that I have no idea who the person I am inside but some still remain calm about it
  5. I've realized why I call certain people friends and others acquaintances instead
  6. I've discovered that somewhere in my O.C.D is a very messy person among the chaos
  7. I've gotten my first DSLR.. be envious LOL
  8. I've gotten my first MacBook Pro
  9. I've gotten my first roomie, surprisingly survived that encounter :D
  10. I've gotten my first giant soft toy elephant, Ellie
  11. I've experienced my first winter
  12. I've touched REAL snow for the first time
  13. I've learned that sometimes guys can be a better shopper than you, glenn & yang :)
  14. I've realized that some people were never meant to be understood but just to be loved
  15. I've moved away from home for the first time and it didn't really suck that bad
  16. I've sat the tallest, craziest, scariest, steepest roller coaster and survived to tell the tale
  17. I've now know that I like reading people's tumblr but I will never get one
  18. finally, i've learned that being 18 means I CAN DRIVE AND DRINK BITCHES... :D
whadday think? done anything recently? or how bout some firsts?