Tuesday, June 15

to being idiotic and FTW

to PHIIII-OOOOOO-NAAAAAAA : FTW! (for the win & fuck the what, gorilla) yes being immature is the awesome, and i love playing around with nothing better to do (:

today just learned that FTW stands for for the win.. in the beginning guess what i stupidly thought it was WTF (what the fuck) but IN REVERSE! lol.. yes i am so bad right? lol but fiona is even better she created a new swear word. Instead of fuck you.. say "gorilla fuck you" so that no one can say really? get it get it? :P

hahahaha ying is like addicted to typing maniac on facebook all credits to fiona :) she's the source of all evil, she causes people to not study, she causes me to have wants for things that I DON'T NEED like the an $80 speakers even though i would want it :P lol but no no no i have one already i guess when it kongs out then i'll get a new one ;) But one thing that i really want is my long wanted shirt from wong fu productions.... :D I love nice guys FTW!

yes i know I'm in love with FTW... but what he heck let me be a jakun.. :)

hahaha oh and maybe a lomo but it's so expensive.. i want to cry.. :'(

at least i get my dslr! with lenses too!!!! how cool right? does good to do well in spm ;)


Sunday, June 13

17, maybe a little bit longer, maybe 18

just turned today... although to most of the people i turned 12 hours ago.. haha, i'm legal now how awesome is that? didn't feel any big difference moving from 17 to 18 but i guess it is pretty much a big thing since i'm going into uni this fall :O I know right so fast? yep time does really pass us by super duper sonic speed fast.

18? hmm just another number that allows me to get into clubs :P but in another perspective, it's a another 2 more years before i'm out of teenager life... shit.

but i guess you just have to embrace it huh?

here's to all the shits, drinks, 18's and many more life's celebrations that we just have celebrate (:

don't you just love them?