so here are the friends :

left to right : wayne, fi, yi yang and will and sze ying(roommate) draw the conclusion about those two yourself.

they saw us!

MABEL LOW! Her laugh is so infectious and unique! I just feel like pinching her cheeks! shokute!

more of the two retards. hehe

studying and reading the The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

nerd for only 65 cents.. =D
now for school :

the lobby


the lobby again, see the man at the front desk? He wants a 'I Love Boys' shirt in the size XXS. Funny guy, I think his name is aeran, but i have no idea of the spelling. tehe will update on that. That's all for now!
ps: people who wants my school and room number to call email me k? and the handphone number too. AND I HAVE SKYPE! we must skype!
pictures credited to yi yang and fiona. :)