Adeline's Great Idea : POTLUCK AT THE PARK! It started out fine and ended up horny to the max. (Don't ask how just keep on wodnering)
And somewhere in the middle we got high! = ) Pictures are there for proof!
The Very Happy One
All The Food We needed!
Jet-Puffed Marshmallows! SO Jet, So Puffed, So Jet-Puffed!
Mash Potatoes!
Spaghetti sauce missing the spaghetti! = )Egg Mayo sandwiches!

Co.Ol right?
em tried
she tried
we tried
I tried
and FINALLY the DAMN bottle opened!!! *pop*
IT'S A POSE. (no actualy alcohol was used in this footage)
more RI-BE-NA!
LOOK at us.. we can do it
I see the light OH MY GOD! *inside joke* laughs
' I'm The Man' Take 1
' I'm The Man' Take 2!

And the little ball that caused so much pain!
And that's all for the post! toodles and happy new years!! = )