Each blogger must post these rules.
Each blogger starts with 8 random facts abt themselves.
Choose 8 people to tag and for goodness sakes tell them.
1. I can't sleep without washing my feet. It's habitual. = )
2. I can cry on will- amazing huh?
3. I hate hate hate styrofoam sounds. cringe at the very sound of them.
4. i hoard- food, paper, clothes...you name it i have it ; )
5. i have a cupboard full of stuffed animals-don't believe?
6. i used to like durians when i was young but the hormones got to me and now i despise them.
7. i've worked before! *i'm proud to say that
8. and i have more left of my first salary than peckie and jessica = )
I tag:
ming yue
yan leng
ying han
pau pau (can i re tag?) lol