~falling in love with the girl next door~
Seriously how can one resist the temptation of falling in love with handsome, feet-sweeping, carming korean actors? I mean list all the good looking korean actors please? Does Kim Jeong Hoon sound familliar? He does!? GOOD! Well that's most probably because of his portrayal as Yul in GOONG! *better known as Princess Hours* wanna see his picture?
He's the guy on the right and dyed hair * = x* Like what you see....? You better! I mean how can u NOT like him??? = (

Well even if u don't like him u like the other guy right??????? RIGHT? RIGHT? Anyways, *sighs* even if YOU don't like them you have the choice to like the story line. Seriously I sound like some desperate producer asking the public to support this show! = ) Just watch it ok? At 8.30 till 9.30 every weekday on 8TV.
Enough bout the devotion to Goong! *hehe* I'm ready for some humour now...

Seedless Watermelon Seeds? * rolls on the floor again and again with laughter* =) It's so farny.
Toodles for now people...!
ps:/ to all hardworking (the nerds)/ non- hardworking (the pigs*including me*) GOOD LUCK FOR The First Term Exam! And to those in 3 Cempaka : Brace yourself when your results are plastered all over the class! *eeks*