Monday, February 12


' Love me on Valentine's and I'll forget everything' quote Jamie
Valentine's day is round the corner and the YE club is trying their hardest to persuade *coughSINGLEcough* people like me to buy their goods.... not that I didn't want to support Jarita and her loud gang but... just I HAVE NO ONE TO GIVE IT TO *blushes* I know i could have given it to freinds and family but.....being me...selfish little prig I'm gonna buy loads of chocolate and eat it all by myself.. with a few exceptionals... = )
Mr. Spitty rox wei..... I got this water ballon from WEN and drew a face on it... and a corny smile.. then i poked a hole in it's mouth and water would spurt out... and we (han, me, adel) named it Mr. Spitty... And i feel sad for the hell that he went through..* of reinserting his insides..* I almost died of laughter literally from choking on water... = D
avey*=] 07'