Thursday, December 21


I guess one picture does tell you everything bout the people inside the image captured frame huh? well little kids you've been deceived by that.. cause it does.. and that is NOT me in that picture. I'm sad to say it is some kind of imposter trying to blacken my name with this tremendously hideous photograph....= ) so mind this photo.

i found this flying complex living creature and was straight away fascinated by it i rushed into the door banged my head, continue my way to a four walled room which i call my room to grab a machine which one would be very common to known as the KA-ME-RA! I rushed back down and took trillion snapshots of the little blue creature... and TADA here is the final result
Blue moth + mosquito net + wooden front door + KAMERA + aveline's impecabble capability to take pictures and bump into solids = blue-blacks, loss of oxy, and a very finished photograph! = ]

my mommy's car is an accord!

music brings life into ours lives. what's your music?

colour my world with these colours.....=]

Fushigi Yuugi has become my idealistic anime right now...for many reasons...

1) It was shown as an anime with a title 'Curious Play' but for me to later ifnd out. It's REAL name and i mean REAL name is actually Fushigi Yuugi. Why can't animax just give us the real names besides creating/copying English translated LAMEMO names? I mean u could have saved time and just plaster the name FUSHIGI YUUGI all over the front cover of it can't u? CAN'T YOU???? >= ( uh.. such a waste of ones time to search and find out what the REAL/TRUE fact is? is it THAT hard for one to do so? *ish*

2) I've heard SO much of Fushigi Yuugi but never got a chance to catch a glimpse of it and now i CAN! So.. YES I'm taking advantage of it.. *lol *grins*

3) Tamahome/Taka is hot *xP don't believe look below *points down*

this is Taka

and this is tamahome

Yes, yes you're wondering why they have different names aren't you? Well Tamahome is actually his REAL name *ok fine not that real cause he's actually a character in the 'Book Of Four Gods'* and after all the war and *bla bla bla* miaka (leading girl) goes back into her REAL world (u know the world where it's not in a book? o.O) and since he's SOOOO in <3>

there's this BIG BIG BIG BIG cross over this *jantung* of his.... XD

(noone will get this)

ahhh... that's all avey has got to crap about so... toodles!



ps:/we must watch fushigi yuugi, miami ink, alice academy, God(?) Save Our King! , War Of In-Laws, project runway (i'm not gay), and of course my life long support to Paradise Kiss!

Georgy! = D

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