music brings life into ours lives. what's your music?

Fushigi Yuugi has become my idealistic anime right now...for many reasons...
1) It was shown as an anime with a title 'Curious Play' but for me to later ifnd out. It's REAL name and i mean REAL name is actually Fushigi Yuugi. Why can't animax just give us the real names besides creating/copying English translated LAMEMO names? I mean u could have saved time and just plaster the name FUSHIGI YUUGI all over the front cover of it can't u? CAN'T YOU???? >= ( uh.. such a waste of ones time to search and find out what the REAL/TRUE fact is? is it THAT hard for one to do so? *ish*
2) I've heard SO much of Fushigi Yuugi but never got a chance to catch a glimpse of it and now i CAN! So.. YES I'm taking advantage of it.. *lol *grins*
3) Tamahome/Taka is hot *xP don't believe look below *points down*

and this is tamahome
Yes, yes you're wondering why they have different names aren't you? Well Tamahome is actually his REAL name *ok fine not that real cause he's actually a character in the 'Book Of Four Gods'* and after all the war and *bla bla bla* miaka (leading girl) goes back into her REAL world (u know the world where it's not in a book? o.O) and since he's SOOOO in <3>
there's this BIG BIG BIG BIG cross over this *jantung* of his.... XD
(noone will get this)
ahhh... that's all avey has got to crap about so... toodles!
ps:/we must watch fushigi yuugi, miami ink, alice academy, God(?) Save Our King! , War Of In-Laws, project runway (i'm not gay), and of course my life long support to Paradise Kiss!
Georgy! = D
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