Monday, September 18

goodbye miss gaya! XD no gaya! *joking*

Miss Gayathri is gone! Our trainee english teacher is gone! 2 Anggerik had a farewell party for her last friday! 2 Anggerik rox sox! We bought cake and flowers for her! So sweet lo!!! And most of all it HAD to rain! Adel and I turned out to be late and Aunty Swee Har had to wait but not our fault cause the bell rang 5 minutes earlier so...*wonders* nothing to do with us... Tution is boring wei..... without Audrey! She's not there to tell jokes or anything funny story so boring... but heck maybe next year we see her in bm tution! XD Chen Sern has a blog! Amazing! I didn't know that! kinda nice skin for a guy's blog usually it's black or a boring colour..I suggest that neeraj should get a blog too! then it would be interesting! need to get ready for school!!! tata!

pandas and bears rox sox!

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