Wednesday, February 7

agricultural planting is fun

Tuesday was GREAT. The time was right. The sun was hiding behind clouds. The wind was blowing. And I was planting grass for my latest and most random agricultural project for the 'Make The World A Better Place' campaign. *-none of this actually exsist though* I made the soil fertile, I planted the grass/padi and I placed soil *more of sand* and I watered it (sorry V-ki!). In the end I ended up killing all of them and gave up on planting and resorted to fishing. BUT wait where would one fish at the padang so.. back to the drawing board on what i would be able to do....hmmm*
After great thinking, I decided to do funeral burials and ceremony. My first customer was Twiggy. We actually wanted to give it a six feet under grave but it was just impossible so we did it 6 cm. *In Twiggy's height it would be 6 feet. We 'burned' it and threw it's ashes on the burial sight and started the ceremony for Twiggy. And after that. We left Twiggy to rest in peace. = )
*sighs* what some people do for LOVE has got nothing to do with me right? = )
Quotes : I have this bright i-d-e-a to run away with you. <3
ps:/ shuet cha rox sox. it only cost 50 cents xD

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